March Calendar

March Calendar

It is Spring! We are so excited to present our updated calendar for the months of March! So many exciting and new events are happening, mark your calendar and make sure you don’t miss anything! More details about each event are coming soon! Every Tuesday Beginner...
February Calendar

February Calendar

Our February calendar is here!  And we are so excited to announce our new location 6100 Primacy Pkwy, #101, Memphis, TN. Starting today all of our classes will be held here!Also check out our Workshop with David Hamilton, Wednesday, February 7th, 7:30pmSpecial...
January 2024 Calendar

January 2024 Calendar

Make your New Year’s resolution come true with Dream Ballroom Academy! Trying something new, getting out of your comfort zone, exploring more fun activities, starting a healthier lifestyle, opening more creative sides of yourself… find it all in ballroom dancing! Here...
December Calendar

December Calendar

The most magical months of the year is here We are ready for the holiday season and excited to keep dancing through December! Let’s finish out the year strong with more classes and our Christmas...
November Calendar

November Calendar

We are ready to start a new month of dancing! November will be filled with more amazing events we are looking forward to sharing with you. Save this post to make sure you don’t miss any of our events this...