Join us for a sensational Dream Dance party! Date: Friday, September 29thTime: 7 – 9pm6:30pm FREE beginner Salsa group class before the partyGreat music, snacks and soft drinks, door prizes, line dancing and FUN! Open for...
First day all fall season is here! And we are ready to start new dancing season! September promises to be full of fun events! Check out our new calendar and let’s...
Our July calendar is here! Join us for Sequencing Dancing on Mondays, Tuesday Beginner classes, Wednesday Advanced and Open Dance Party on Friday, July 21st ! Contact us if you have any questions or...
Summer is here! And our June calendar too! Wednesday and Tuesday classes at 7:30pmSequencing Dancing Monday, June 5th and 19th at 7pmOpen Dance Party June 30th...
It’s MAY! Here is our calendar for this months! Group classes, Spring into summer Showcase and NEW Sequencing dance class! Dance with Dream Ballroom...