Group Classes in April

April Calendar

New April calendar is here! Check out our weekly group classes and the Open Dance Party on Friday, April...
Group Classes in March

Group Classes in March

Get ready to dance with us in March! Here is our group classes schedule! Reminder: *no partner necessary *no experience required *no appointment needed Each class is...
February Calendar

February Calendar

The month of love is almost here! Let’s celebrate with us love to each other, to yourself and to DANCE! Join our classes: Monday-Tuesday beginner 7:30pm Wednesday Intermediate/Advance 7:30pm Special Valentine’s Day Classes February 13th, 14th, 15th More details coming...
January 2023 Calendar

January 2023 Calendar

New Year – New Classes! we are so excited to announce more group classes in 2023! Save our January calendar and don’t miss a class Monday 7:30pm Beginner Tuesday 7:30pm Beginner Wednesday 7:30pm Intermediate/Advance Friday, January 20th. Dream Dance Party! Open...